West Texas Road Trip: The Road Goes On Forever, The Beauty Never Ends…

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I think the 1971 hit single by Rod Stewart, “Every Picture Tells A Story,” nails it best…sometimes there really are no words to describe many of the amazing experiences we are fortunate to undertake during our time here.

One such adventure is a road trip I took back in late July with my best buddy, the ever-popular, Shiner Dog. In celebration of his fourth birthday, we both set out on a journey that I will personally never forget. A road trip to the vast expanse of beautiful land in West Texas.

Roughly 410 miles from our home in Austin to the small towns of Alpine, Marfa and Fort Davis, through the Davis Mountains, another 100 or so miles south into Big Bend National Park, a “run to the Mexican border,” a quick “beer stop” in the ghost town of Terlingua, through Big Bend Ranch State Park, still hugging the Mexican border along the Rio Grande, up through Lajitas and Presidio, Texas and all points in between. Simply remarkable. I honestly can’t say enough. In fact, I won’t…

Per Mr. Stewart, I will do just that and let the pictures tell the story (and, yes, there are many). If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend planning a trek and hittin’ the road for West Texas, Big Bend and beyond. It’s one of my favorite new discoveries in the world and I can’t wait to get back! Enjoy, my friends…

On the road out West…

Alpine, Texas – “Home of the Last Frontier”

Alpine to Fort Davis…

Fort Davis, Texas – “Gateway to the Davis Mountains”

The long journey to Big Bend National Park

The unbridled beauty of Big Bend

The path to the Chisos Mountains…

Makin’ a run to the border…

The Rio Grande at the U.S./Mexico Border…

Boquillas Canyon…

Splitting two nations at the Rio Grande…

Santa Elena Canyon, the pride of Big Bend…

Quick “beer stop” in the ghost town of Terlingua, TX

Our new “amigos” at the Terlingua General Store…

Big Bend Ranch State Park along the Rio Grande…

The incredibly cool West Texas town of Marfa

Liz Lambert’s brilliant West Texas lodging creation known as “El Cosmico

…and, yes, you can sleep in a teepee at “El Cosmico,” too…

The historic “Hotel El Paisano” in Marfa…

“Main Street Marfa”

Marfa back to Fort Davis…

The Davis Mountains up to the McDonald Observatory

The road home…back to Austin…


  1. Being a Texan I have never traveled those roads atleast that I can remember, but this I know now, I can say I have seen it, happy trails. Great story and photos.

  2. shari andreas says:

    Thank you for the awesome shots! I too have never been out to these parts of Texas. Now I know I definitely want to go! I am working on a party invitation for a friend of mine that is being held in Fort Davis. I wanted to know if you would allow me permission to use one of your photos for the invitation. It would be perfect! Everyone is traveling west to Fort Davis.

  3. Reblogged this on joekiddone's wordpress blog… and commented:
    Gorgeous country!

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